Since 1896, Christ Church Exmouth has been a beacon of hope and light.
Old ways won’t open new doors
Christ Church, Exmouth, was founded 126 years ago in the hearts of a few devout Christians. That is usually the beginning of any work of the Holy Spirit. He grasps some of God's servant(s), discloses the need to them, tells them how that need might be met, and then uses them as instruments in His hand to carry out His purpose. As was the case with Christ Church. It was born in prayer. Its origin was the work of the Holy Spirit in response to a profound need, and it has remained so throughout its existence, from its beginning to the present. It has witnessed much of the work of the Holy Spirit in fulfilling His purpose of blessing Exmouth and beyond, which is its sphere of witness and influence.
In 1895, a group of faithful evangelical members of the Church of England met to discuss the difficult situation produced by the growth in ritualistic practises and unbiblical innovations in the local Parish Church. When neither the Vicar nor the Bishop listened to their request, they felt prompted by the Holy Spirit to establish a church able to hold firm the faithful Word and biblical worship. They wrote to Bishop P. X. Eldridge, Presiding Bishop of the Reformed Episcopal Church of the United Kingdom, with this intention.
On April 10th, 1896, they assembled in the Assembly Room of the Beacon Hotel as the Lord led them. It was an energetic assembly inspired by the Holy Spirit, and a new church, Christ Church, was born. Then, it was called Holy Trinity REC.
Public Services began in the Public Hall (now the Savoy Cinema). Christ Church Exmouth bought the North Street building, which we have occupied continuously since 1897. Our church was built in 1872 by the Wesleyans Methodists who outgrew it and moved to a new place.
Bishop Eldridge consecrated Christ Church on January 22, 1897, and the Rev. G.J. Lascell was appointed as its minister. The powerful appeal to the unbelievers to come to Christ was a remarkable aspect of this first service. The first minister stayed for six years, during which time the spirit-filled pastor cared for the flock and created a strong church and centre of evangelical witnessing.
Christ Church was founded on revival. It has witnessed the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout its history, the Gospel which is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes and confesses Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. Such purpose has been carried on through a passion for foreign missions, as seen by Christ Church's early establishment of a Mission Society.
The record shows that of the 252 sittings in the church, 238 were taken within three months of the church's opening, while not a single sitting in the gallery went unoccupied. As a result, the church approved the building's expansion a year after the founding meeting.
The first year was a great time of testing, of faith trials, and of witnessing the Lord, like He did in the early Church, add to the church on a daily basis. We read in the Vestry (Church Council) Minutes that we have "great thanks to Almighty God for the blessing which has been granted to the congregation in the establishment of this church."
The church was growing all the time. Extra seats had to be fixed to the pew ends in 1903, and extra chairs were bought for the majority of the services. It is stated that in those days, it was necessary to get to church early in order to obtain your usual place. Christ Church continued to grow constantly. In 1903, extra seats had to be fixed to the pew ends, while extra chairs were bought in for most of the services. It is said of those days that it was necessary to come to church early in order to secure your accustomed seat. Christ Church grew to 400 communicant members, accounting for about 5% of Exmouth's population at the time.
Christ Church has been a strong witness to the power of the gospel of Christ crucified, the gospel that is the power of God to bring salvation to everyone who believes the gospel and repents of their sins.
Each minister of the church has kept up this clear witness, following in the footsteps of faithful ministers whom the Lord has raised up and called to serve at Christ Church.
In the 1950s, the Rev. Watkins was especially successful for his stirring work among children and young people. He moved to Broadstairs and became a Bishop.
The Rev. A. Ward ministered during the 1960s, and he was called to the episcopacy following his ministry in Exmouth.
Over the years, many people have turned to God and confessed Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour.
Since 1980, Christ Church has embraced the move of the Spirit, remaining faithful to biblical teaching and preaching.
The Rev. David Page brought much-needed change to the services, providing spiritual renewal and making the church more family-oriented.
The good foundations of the previous ministry have been built upon, and the church is thriving, with families and young people attending worship as well as people from various nations and backgrounds.
Its worship blends historic worship (BCP) with evangelical and Spirit-led worship.
We believe God has plans to prosper the work of Christ Church Exmouth and so look forward to growth over the next decade.
God has blessed Christ Church with faithful disciples who have remained true to the Lord no matter what. They are too numerous to name, yet it is through these, God's workers, that the church's witness has been preserved over the last 126 years. Throughout its history the church has witnessed much of the tide's ebb and flow. There have been times when the enemy of the church has struck us, but in every trial God has had the servant of His choosing who has been used by the Lord to give wise counsel and spiritual guidance through which His will has been made known. We thank God for His favour.
We honour those who have made possible Christ Church's witness beyond Exmouth, and God's mission has been carried out to numerous people of the world (Jews, China, Africa, the UK, India, Malawi, USA, Spain, among others).
Our history reveals that every activity and manifestation of the church's life and witness has been the ongoing ministry of prayer. There have been those who have prayed the prayer of faith during weekly services, children's work, missionary activities, and work among young people. From the first day till now, the work has been started in prayer and has been continued in answer to prayer, and all the unknown days that lie ahead will be fruitful for His glory as the church family spends much time at the Throne of Grace.
So, in this year that God has brought us, we raise our Ebenezer and sing Hallelujah to Him Who is "capable of making all grace abound toward you, that you always having all sufficiency in all things may abound to every good work."
1897 – 1903 The Rev. Geo J. Lascell
1903 – 1910 The Rev. H. S. Gregory, M.A.
1911 – 1921 The Rev. W. Houghton, B.D.
1921 – 1928 The Rev D. Robinson, M.A.
1928 – 1936 The Rev Philip H Scott
1937 – 1944 The Rev F H Easton
1944 – 1948 The Rev Eric John Maddock
1948 – 1957 The Rev William C Watkins
1958 – 1966 The Rev Gordon Roberts
1966 – 1971 The Rev Arthur Ward
1971 – 1979 The Rev WE Smyth
1979 – 1981 The Rev Michael Collins
1981 – 1993 The Rev David Page
1993 – 2003 The Rev Richard Allen
2003 – 2004 The Rev Kevin Stuart Banks
2005 – 2011 The Rev John Graver
2012 – 2016 Russell Fenn
2019 - 2024 Bishop Josep M. Rosello-Ferrer